Introducing the PW and GSC class of muggers.
PW Mugger
Type: Mugician (long ranged spell casting)
Skill: BrainStorm
Description: User brainstorms and thinks up a lot of ideas for a PI. He channels it into the opponents' mind, thereby confusing the opponent. The opponent's brain desprately trying to take down all the ideas floating about, overloads, and fatally increases blood pressure to it. This causes bursting of blood vessels within the body. However, due to the weakness of brain waves, a lot of energy and mana is needed for this skill. Accuracy is not very high, but when hit, this skill is 90% fatal resulting in instant PK (Player Kill)
GSC Muggers
Type:Mug-knight (short-ranged melee attacks)
Skill: Chinese Wall
Because of their close ranged character these GSC-class mug-knight type charaters have high defense. One special skill is the defensive Chinese Wall. Summoning the spirits of their ancient Chinese ancestors, they are able to compress minerals and stones from the ground into a wall which bursts out from underneath. The wall lasts for 30 seconds, preventing melee damage to the user while the user can attack through it. When it bursts out of the ground, it dispenses a small amount of splash damage for one unit in either direction.
[Effect may not be that nice, but I tried my best. Lol.]