In light of the previous post, we have decided to mug, and hence inspiration struck us. Hence we come up with new additions to the lexicon. Enjoy.
Holiday Homework:
Numerous questions in thick stacks posed to muggers during the "holidays". This ensures they keep to their mugging schedule of 10 (or 12) hours a day of mugging during the holidays, and to prevent the forming of a "holiday mood". Designed to even break down the defenses of the most exam-hardened mugger, this homework sits at the edges of their psyche, gradually breaking down their psychological defenses. Upon completion (usually last minute) of this work, all muggers should be now soft and vulnerable to attack by next year's lecturers, whereupon they shall do their work with gusto, negating the need for an adjustment period from "holiday mood" to Mug Mood.
Sian 0.500 (3 s.f.):
Sian 0.500 (3 s.f.) is a scientifically accurate term (to 3 significant figures) used by muggers to describe a state of perpetual boredom and general unhappiness usually caused by the aforementioned holiday homework. This feeling is sometimes accompanied by anger or disconsolation. This scientific constant is often known as Sian. Regardless of the amount of holiday homework, all muggers will attain this scientific constant of Sian, hence the equation: