[Insert desired fairytale with mythical creatures and singing, dancing, furniture/animals. And one male and one female lead character plus one evil villian and several henchmen]
And they lived happily ever after. And pareto optimality was acheived in the village marketplace, unemployment was down to zero as the lowliest peasant got a job as an outhouse cleaner, inflation was down to zero because the country had run out of gold, everyone minded their own business and demerit goods were banned so there were no externalities, and even the lowliest peasant had Ye Olde Internet, so there was no information failure. Everyone owned a business, so no one had any market power. And Ye Olde Medieval Goods were sold at the Ye Olde Private Cost it took to make them. The end, now pay up so we can make loads of cash from fantastic franchising deals. :)
*Be sure to check out the previous post: 2006 Mugger's Lexicon if you haven't!