Bored of mugging the same old fashioned way? Don't wanna mug in the same old Chemistry class? We have the answer! Using this method is guarateed to spice up your mug life and your friends! Adds a refreshing taste to the same old school, and catapults you into the magical world of Barry Hotter! Use these fantastic terms, drawn straight from thr Barry Hotter universe in your muglife!
Chemistry = Potions
Before: Let's get going to chem tutorial!
After: Hurry! Or we shall miss Potions Class!
*Mugalomaniac shall not be held responsible for any injury or DEATH suffered if any user of this guide refers to his/her's chemistry tutor as Snape.
GP = Muggle Studies
Like, duh?
Econs = Divination
In J1, everything you learn is about predicting a future that will never happen. In other words, male bovine egestion. Perfect competition? Pfft. Productive efficiency? Gah. Allocation efficiency? You'd have better luck looking for Santa Claus.
History = History of Magic
Need I say more?
Maths = Arthimancy
Book 2, Chamber of Secret Muggers, I believe
Physics = Astronomy
Loosely linked but...
Quote of the day: If you mug, you have no life. But how do you kill that which has no life? Therefore Muggers are invincible.