The recent prelims onslaught was devastating enough by itself. Many prevailed and stood strong in the raging wave of questions, but many others were lost in battle to SAMS, Severe Acute Mugging Syndromes.
As a part of mugalomaniac, I have went around taking pictures (with photo consent) of these muggers, and hopefully these pictures can do well to warn those in mugland about this horrifying disease. And, I am sure those in Mugland would see these people around, grinning madly in despair and mugging hard at the study benches.
The first is a mugger who just finished his prelims. Stunned by the Ultimate results, he went crazy and started doing question after question.
As you can see, the muggers have no control over their desire for more questions. This mugger is obviously exhausted but he has gone delirious and hence is unable to stop mugging.
The next one is a mugger with the regret symptom of SAMS. After the paper, he just emoly sat there, thinking about all the mistakes he could have done in the exams, and what he did not do.
Worrying is not useful folks. Please do not succumb to such factors of "I-should-have". Seriously, just remember not to do that for the final paper. Well.. erm.. if you can remember. But STILL! This is bad. ><
The next one is SAMS so highly evolved that the bacteria has managed to fully take over the mugger's mind. What's coming next is highly graphic and please... do NOT view if you had just taken your dinner.
Are you ready?
This is the state of disillusionment. Forget about psychoing yourself. This guy has mastered the art of deceiving the mind. With a wide teethly smile, he happily grabs the pen and prepares to tackle another practice paper. (I get SOOOOO jealous at these people. ><)
But, the SAMS has not gone unnoticed by the public! Following I will show some photos that proves the recognition of the mugger syndrome. And believe me, these photos are NOT photoshooted. Hmm.. at least, not entirely.
Mugalomaniac's believe it or not!
Entry no.1
This sign can be found in the airport at popeyes. Yes, yes, what better way to spend a study break camping at the airport, diligently preparing for the Alevels. But still, people need to eat. This photo is real. DO NOT cope seats when the public needs to eat. Have courtesy.
Entry no.2MUGLISTON ROAD! A road named after the act of mugging! This sign can be found around katong. And seriously, the stop there does don the picture to the dot. A special name for a special spot. =D
Well, don't believe that SAMS exists? You better believe it now. On the most crucial point in the entire year, right before A levels, we all teether dangerously on the mind's edge of SAMS - or not. So, folks, STUDY WELL AND HARD! ^^