You go home and your mom asks, "Who are you?"
You think hamburgers go well with notes.
You enter a fast food restaurant and the manager immediately chases you out. (Toodles to Kovan Macs manager for being the inspiration.)
Your usual seat at the outlet has your butt print on it.
When 80% of your allowance is spent on fast food to keep yourself from being chased out of the restaurant. (The remaining 20% is spent on mugging accessories.)
Your home is defined as where another place to spend the night.
You have 45 other places to spend the night. And they are all 24/7 Macs. (applies only to MacDonald's muggers)
You don't eat anything that doesn't contain a "Mc-" in front. (applies only to MacDonald's muggers)
When your definition of breakfast, lunch and dinner is your immunity shield against being chased out.
When the fast food outlet is closing in 2 minutes and you think, "just one more page!"
When you know each of the staffs' name, personal history and family background. And you are not the manager.
When you can recognize the sequence of all the songs on the MacDonald's "TV". (applies only to Macdonalds muggers)
When 40% of MacDonald's' revenue is contributed by you.
When you are truly indeed "Lovin' It".
When you try to make jokes on mugging too much at fast food restaurants.
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