Guess what Muggers? Tomorrow is the last day of Orientation in Mugland. Don't you wish the fun and games had lasted more? Here's a recap of your typical Mugland Orientation. On your first day you have your CSI with someone knocking off someone in school... (The nerve!) Labels: plastic muggers
Then on day 2 you got your MMM. Nope, not a Massive Multiplayer Mugging game, but something just as fun. Your Massive Meridian Marathon!
Day 3, things get hot and wet with Wet 'n' Wild!
And...afterward it would be the campfire except that I hear we don't have one this year. Which is just as well because I don't want to burn one of my plastic muggers. =D
NOTE: Appreciate this ok? I stayed up till 1:35AM to rush this out in time for tomorrow. =P Anyway in the first pic, the Space Miner, Police Officer, and Explorer (which I forgot to mention-DARN!) were contributed to me by taky! We'll probably be seeing more of them soon. =] Thanks! Just a parting note guys, treasure your orientation. It's one of the best parts of MJ, yeah? =D