
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Pirates of the Mugland: At Notes' End

Arr! I bet all ye pirates out there be getting treasure fever now (especially all ye Year 1 Pirate-Muggers, or Puggers), so we here be satisfying ye desires with a treasure map! X marks the spot where ye be findin the lost treasure of ol' Bookbeard the pirate. (Legend has it he could stuff 20 books in that beard o' his and use it as a weapon!)

[Click on ye map to make it bigger using some magical thingy. (Arr.)]

First, ye begin ye journey in between the Olde Sea of Desolation and the Whirlpoole of Wisdom. Be warned of the Sea's restless spirits, many a weak sailor has been claimed by its rageful green waters, so much so that its edges are red with the blood of many. Travel down into the Ruins of Atlantis; do not eat the food the merpeople offer you, or you will never return. Down into the Olde Boneyard, where the Moonlight on the night with the ripest moon will illuminate the place where the Key to the treasure is.

Never retrace your steps; pass the Court of Pain where the nobles of Atlantis once used to play sport, but which has become the place where the Merpeople torture its prisoners with rackets and puffer fish. Sail at full speed through here, and enter the Great Plains of the Undead. Formerly the area for the masses that was the Atlantis Militay Muggers to gather, they now gather in their ghostly raiments,a sharpened blue or black pen in hand and a shield of the thickest lecture notes. No blade can cut them, no cannon can smite them down. Yet, their spirits possess the power to harm any sailor.

Turn into the Whirlpoole, but do not get sucked into the immense mugging force of the muggers there. The speical design of that area is to focus and concentrate their brainwaves into tangile force which enhances their Mugging capalitities. And also to kill any outsiders. Turn port into Mugger's Folly, but do not accept any of the lecture notes the muggers offer you, no matter how good they seem. All pale in comparison to what we seek. Avoid the Siren song of the Food Dispensers, for they contain poison (and MSG)and nothing else. Turn starboard, and straight ahead is it. The fabled treasure of Bookbeard, his personal Library.

Um. I assume you all have read the post, and some may not get it. Well, I explain all here. This is sort of an experiment so I don't know how it goes, or if you guys(Muglanders only this time, sorry) will get it. This map is supoposed to be a spoof of Mugland's grounds, but I messed up the placement of the tennis courts and garbage area. So maybe it not very obvious now...=X Other than that,
Sea of Deslation = Field and track, green and red.
Whirlpool = Atrium
Mugger's Folly = Study benches and vending machines area
Ruins = canteen
Plains = Assembly Plaza

Non-muglanders need not worry, we still will post jokes everyone will get. This is just a one-time thing. =D Unless anyone else wishes me to mutilate their school grounds too?

Lecture delivered at 9:38 AM by -=[K]=-

Monday, May 28, 2007
Everyday study guide for GP!

Right guys, this came too late for the Muglanders, but could still prove useful to those in other colleges.

GP is a very standard paper: fixed formats, defined steps, you simply cannot go wrong unless you decide not to follow this guide.

How to mug for the supposedly-un-mug-able GP:

1. Write in English:

This is the utmost basic rule of General Paper. Don't try writing in Malay or Mandarin or Tamil, that's just plain suicide. And no tWiitx either. Or l33t.

2. Follow the GOLDEN FORMAT *shimmers*:

For your Paper 1 essays, just follow the following sequence:

Introduction + background information + stand,
Support View (SV) 1 + example + link,
SV2 + example + link,
SV3 + example + link,
Opposing View (OV) 1 + example +rebuttal + link,
OV2 + example +rebuttal + link,
Conclusion + review of points + link + stand.

Looks complicated, but simply recite it over and over and over and over and over again until you can rap it to your GP teacher. Or write it down, fill your GP exercise book with this format until your exercise book becomes that kamasutra-equilavent of GP.

You've just made your GP teacher so proud, he could go fishing in peace. (:

But don't try to be funny and write them on seperate pages. Ain't really a good way to show your intelligence.

3. Paraphrase!

Always paraphrase in your Paper 2. No matter what word it is, always do it. If you have to paraphrase "one", then replace it with "single" or "1" or something of equilivalent meaning.

4. Choose the RIGHT Paper 1 question:

How do you choose the RIGHT Paper 1 question? It is always refered to as "The One". Read through every question, if you chance upon that question that bends away from you like Neo from The Matrix, you know you have The One. Don't expect to find Agent Smith, The Oracle, Morpheus, Trinity, The Architect and the other Matrix cast in your question list though, it's GP you're sitting for, not GV.

Finally. Read a whole load of books:

Reading books help in both Paper 1 and Paper 2. When you read book, you are supposedly exposed to millions of words, and thus increasing your vocabulary capacity. That helps, really, but why stop there when you horne your GP skills as well. For Paper 1, start with identifying each paragraph whether they are an SV, OV, Introduction or Conclusion. Use a pencil and scribble at the sides if you must. Do this for the whole book and at the end of it, your written essay will definitely follow the GOLDEN FORMAT *shimmers*.

For Paper 2, paraphrase every single word in the book into another word with the same meaning. If you can, rewrite the whole book while retaining the same storyline.

At the end of it, you'll find that you'll never look at things the same way again. Well, a book would now mean an album or atlas or bestseller or bible or booklet or brochure or codex or compendium or copy or dictionary or dissertation or edition or encyclopedia or essay or fiction or folio or handbook or hardcover or leaflet or lexicon or magazine or manual or monograph or nonfiction or novel or octavo or offprint or omnibus or opus or opuscule or pamphlet or paperback or periodical or portfolio or preprint or primer or publication or quarto or reader or reprint or scroll or softcover or speller or text or textbook or thesaurus or tome or tract or treatise or volume or work or writing to you too!

You get what I mean.

P.S. Those in my class will find this a little bit familar. Okay, maybe more that a bit. X).

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Lecture delivered at 2:38 PM by bengx

Saturday, May 26, 2007
Plastic Muggers: Webcams and Evil Plans

You wanted them, and we delivered! (Although it took a while. Sorry. =P)Here they arrrrre! The Plastic Muggers!

Director's Commentary:
Darn I spend quite a lot of time making these things. But its always fun in the end. Everytime I post a strip, I do so with trepidation. I'm afraid of the chance that it will turn out, er, not good. Though the Plastic Muggers have received mainly positive comments so far, I pray that nothing goes wrong every time I think of and create something new. =X

This one was pretty time consuming because of the image to paper conversion (7th frame), and the fact that my com has no printer connected to it, BUT the main com does. BUT I forgot it didn't have MS Word so I had to send the image across twice, AND I had to resize it correctly. It wasn't exactly what I wanted, but it'll do.

In the 2nd frame, the SAMS pic was taken from an old pic I took when I went to mug with Ben and taky last year. The only mugging picture I had that suited the scenario. =] Hope you two don't mind. Also, has anyone noticed that the printed pic in the last frame is identical to the one before it? =] I will be auctioning it off to the highest bidder as an Authentic Mugalomaniac Prop. Any takers? Do contact us! =D Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this comic, and watch this space for more Plastic Muggers!



Lecture delivered at 9:21 PM by -=[K]=-

Friday, May 25, 2007
Mugger Love

Um...this is a VERY old post XW comissioned me to make (seriously, like two months ago =D), but somehow it's been left on the shelf for very long so I decided to be done with it. Hope she doesn't mind. Apparently this is what all late J2s hear during block test period. =\

Lecture delivered at 1:12 AM by jessXW

Friday, May 18, 2007
In-Vitro Fertilisation: Mathematics style

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a technique in which egg cells are fertilised by sperm outside the woman's womb. IVF is a major treatment in infertility when other methods of achieving conception have failed. Of course, this is a biology-related issue and we've decided to simplify what IVF really is in something that most people can understand using mathematics.

Looking at the circled(or ovaled, if you really are that specific) region, that whole statement simply means :

Probability of being a MUM = Probability of a Male + Probability of a Female - Probability of a Male intercepting a Female.

And that was what was written in class as seen in the photo, so it must be true.

Afterall, teachers are never wrong. X)

Lecture delivered at 11:36 PM by bengx

Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Economics for Dummies Episode 2: Hot Money


Lecture delivered at 8:29 PM by -=[K]=-

Friday, May 11, 2007
JCs: Before and After

Before JC

Well, after JC.

Lecture delivered at 1:17 PM by bengx

Monday, May 07, 2007
300:The scene everyone will parody for the next few months.


Lecture delivered at 12:05 AM by -=[K]=-

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Yeah. Download it, spread it, use it as wallpaper.

On October 31, the real war begins. Hopefully, we're those on standing ON the cliff and NOT OFF the cliff. X)

P.S. 900 is the number of J2s in Mugland.

Lecture delivered at 9:40 PM by bengx

We don't hate muggers, we just poke fun at them and the idea of mugging. *poke* But hey, if anything, muggers should be given the limelight they very much deserve. That's why we're here. Five people, two guys and three girls, one intention: Promote mugging with a bit of fun! X). Now, don't get jealous of them receiving the limelight here and all. Afterall, we're all muggers, we just don't admit it.

Know what? Speak to us, tell us how you mug. mugalomaniac@gmail.com.


Welcome to Mugalomaniac!
iMug Colours
Pretty Pink
Baby Blue
Gentle Green
Outrageous Orange
Passion Purple


Economics for Dummies: Sensitivity of the Demand Curve
Everyday Study Guide To GP
Economics for Dummies: Hot Money
Economics for Dummies: Demand Shocks: How they occur
Why Students Are Like Computers
Block Test Syndrome

Plastic Muggers!
-Mental Health
-Revolutionary Plastic Muggers MOVIE! (POPULAR!!!)
-Mugalomaniac's Fund for Stressed Muggers
-I Cut Myself
-Harry Potter and the KI Mugger's Rock
-The Lost Episodes
-Shui Bian
-Webcams and Evil Plans
-300: The Scene everyone will parody for
-Monopoly Muggers
-Always Pay Attention To Your Kids
-Googol: A number defined as 10^100
-Hi from the Plastic Muggers
-This School Is Da Bomb
-Homework? What Holiday Homework?
-Christmas Muggers
-Death Note Muggers
-Plastic Muggers Comment On The Recent Haze
-What Happens To Your WR After You Hand It In

October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
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June 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
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March 2009
April 2009

Fictional Products (and FREE stuff!)
FREE Mugalomaniac Banners!
FREE Sporty Car Decals!
FREE Parent's Letter Generator(Readers' Pick!)
FREE Wallpapers!
FREE Download link for The 'A' Levels movie!
FREE Mugger's Prayer!
iMug mini
iMug Black
iDunno ad
iDunno, Shui Bian, iThink So
New TI-84!
Little Mugger Flash Cards
Mugging for Dummies book

Previous Lectures
10 Signs you are mugging for your Basic Theory Test
I Love the World, REMUGGED!!
Phrase that popped into my head one fine day when ...
FINALLY. The meaning of life
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向大家拜个有点迟的年! =D
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Why Twilight CANNOT be set in Singapore.

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