'Exams can be tough on students but some of these blunders are truly inexplicable. Here are some baffling responses that have been entered into the Times Higher Education's "exam howlers" competition.
"The Handmaid's Tale shows how patriarchy treats women as escape goats." - Literature student, Bath University
'Nirvana cannot be described because there are no words in existence for doing so. Not non-existence either, it is beyond the very ideas of existing and not existing." - a student on the Noble Truths to the Buddhist faith, St Helens college of Art and Design
[insert] huh?? what?? the person mug too much to talk coherently le is it?? =.=[/insert]
"The failure of Nolrthern Rock was due in part to the 'laxative enforcement policies' of the regulator." - Economics student, City University London
And a classic one - "Control of infectious diseases is very important in case an academic breaks out."'
Source: Readers' Digest, January 2009, pg 22
(This article... is conspicuously missing an author. lol!)