
Sunday, March 08, 2009
10 Signs you are mugging for your Basic Theory Test

Anyway, now that that day is over, most of you may have thought Ah! That's the last of mugging I'll be doing for a while. Wrong. That is, if you've decided to go for a driver's license after this. First of all, you need to take your Basic Theory Test. What do you need? Mugging! Here's 10 signs you can use to tell whether you are mugging hard enough to pass. Remember, it's no longer 50% but 90% for a pass!

1. You become the annoying backseat driver whenever you board anyone's car, full of random delightful tidbits of information in the Basic Theory book, and point out any minor mistakes they make.

2.You specially go on rides to revise all the traffic signs and signals.

3.You create a mini LEGO city to practice your driving in with your Hot Wheels cars.

4.You use leftover liquid paper to draw out a fully functional network of roads, lanes, and expressways.

5.You buy batteries and LEDs and make several traffic lights for your junctions.

6.You use an alarm clock to synchronise the timing of your traffic lights.

7.You spend most of your day practicing driving from place to place in your city.

8.You stand at a junction and pose traffic questions to yourself based on real-life scenarios.

9.You can spend an entire day at Mac's, just you and the Basic Theory book.

10.You steal your dad's car and go for a whirl just 'for the practical experience'

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I passed my BTT today! First time success!

Lecture delivered at 2:26 AM by -=[K]=-

We don't hate muggers, we just poke fun at them and the idea of mugging. *poke* But hey, if anything, muggers should be given the limelight they very much deserve. That's why we're here. Five people, two guys and three girls, one intention: Promote mugging with a bit of fun! X). Now, don't get jealous of them receiving the limelight here and all. Afterall, we're all muggers, we just don't admit it.

Know what? Speak to us, tell us how you mug. mugalomaniac@gmail.com.


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Plastic Muggers!
-Mental Health
-Revolutionary Plastic Muggers MOVIE! (POPULAR!!!)
-Mugalomaniac's Fund for Stressed Muggers
-I Cut Myself
-Harry Potter and the KI Mugger's Rock
-The Lost Episodes
-Shui Bian
-Webcams and Evil Plans
-300: The Scene everyone will parody for
-Monopoly Muggers
-Always Pay Attention To Your Kids
-Googol: A number defined as 10^100
-Hi from the Plastic Muggers
-This School Is Da Bomb
-Homework? What Holiday Homework?
-Christmas Muggers
-Death Note Muggers
-Plastic Muggers Comment On The Recent Haze
-What Happens To Your WR After You Hand It In

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iMug mini
iMug Black
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iDunno, Shui Bian, iThink So
New TI-84!
Little Mugger Flash Cards
Mugging for Dummies book

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