
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
向大家拜个有点迟的年! =D

To all our beloved muggers! =D It's the SECOND day of Chinese New Year! We're a lil late! But better late than never!

Happy Ox-picious Chinese 牛Year! =D




For those studying and would-be studying,


Wishing everyone a fruitful season of 拜-ing 年 so that everyone's wallet will be full 福 full! =D

Now all those studying, better go back to studying and reading your readings for lectures and tutorials... Wahaha!!

Lecture delivered at 8:09 PM by taky

Friday, January 16, 2009
Curious Exam Blunders

'Exams can be tough on students but some of these blunders are truly inexplicable. Here are some baffling responses that have been entered into the Times Higher Education's "exam howlers" competition.

"The Handmaid's Tale shows how patriarchy treats women as escape goats." - Literature student, Bath University

'Nirvana cannot be described because there are no words in existence for doing so. Not non-existence either, it is beyond the very ideas of existing and not existing." - a student on the Noble Truths to the Buddhist faith, St Helens college of Art and Design
[insert] huh?? what?? the person mug too much to talk coherently le is it?? =.=[/insert]

"The failure of Nolrthern Rock was due in part to the 'laxative enforcement policies' of the regulator." - Economics student, City University London

And a classic one - "Control of infectious diseases is very important in case an academic breaks out."'

Source: Readers' Digest, January 2009, pg 22
(This article... is conspicuously missing an author. lol!)

Lecture delivered at 1:42 PM by taky

Thursday, January 08, 2009
Why Twilight CANNOT be set in Singapore.

Isabella Swan: How old are you?
Edward Cullen: Seventeen.
Isabella Swan: How long have you been seventeen?
Edward Cullen: A while.
Isabella Swan: Oh, retainee?

Edward Cullen: I only said it would be better if we weren't friends, not that I didn't want to be.
Isabella Swan: What does that mean?
Edward Cullen: It means if you're smart... you'll stay away from me.
Isabella Swan: Okay then I will. I need to mug for my exams. Go away.
Edward Cullen: Uh. Ok. right.

Edward Cullen: I can read every mind in this room, apart from yours.
[pointing at people in the restaurant]
Edward Cullen: money, sex, money, sex, cat. And then you, nothing. It's very frustrating.
Isabella Swan: Can u find the answers for tomorrow's test?

Edward Cullen: "You're like a drug to me. Like my own personal brand of heroin."
[On the news the next day]
Presenter: Yesterday, an American was caught trafficking several kilograms of drugs into Singapore...

Isabella Swan: Are you going to tell me how you stopped the van?
Edward Cullen: Yeah. Um... I had an adrenaline rush. It's very common. You can Google it.
Isabella Swan: I take biology.
Edward Cullen: Ahem. Ah. I see.

Isabella Swan: Look, You gotta give me some answers.
Edward Cullen: Yes. No. To get to the other side. Uh, 1.77245...
Isabella Swan: I don't need to know what the square root of pi is.
Edward Cullen: You knew that?
Isabella Swan: ...24538509055160272981674833411.[grins]
[Slips GC back into pocket.]

Lecture delivered at 7:00 PM by -=[K]=-

We don't hate muggers, we just poke fun at them and the idea of mugging. *poke* But hey, if anything, muggers should be given the limelight they very much deserve. That's why we're here. Five people, two guys and three girls, one intention: Promote mugging with a bit of fun! X). Now, don't get jealous of them receiving the limelight here and all. Afterall, we're all muggers, we just don't admit it.

Know what? Speak to us, tell us how you mug. mugalomaniac@gmail.com.


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Pretty Pink
Baby Blue
Gentle Green
Outrageous Orange
Passion Purple


Economics for Dummies: Sensitivity of the Demand Curve
Everyday Study Guide To GP
Economics for Dummies: Hot Money
Economics for Dummies: Demand Shocks: How they occur
Why Students Are Like Computers
Block Test Syndrome

Plastic Muggers!
-Mental Health
-Revolutionary Plastic Muggers MOVIE! (POPULAR!!!)
-Mugalomaniac's Fund for Stressed Muggers
-I Cut Myself
-Harry Potter and the KI Mugger's Rock
-The Lost Episodes
-Shui Bian
-Webcams and Evil Plans
-300: The Scene everyone will parody for
-Monopoly Muggers
-Always Pay Attention To Your Kids
-Googol: A number defined as 10^100
-Hi from the Plastic Muggers
-This School Is Da Bomb
-Homework? What Holiday Homework?
-Christmas Muggers
-Death Note Muggers
-Plastic Muggers Comment On The Recent Haze
-What Happens To Your WR After You Hand It In

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November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
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October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
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January 2009
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April 2009

Fictional Products (and FREE stuff!)
FREE Mugalomaniac Banners!
FREE Sporty Car Decals!
FREE Parent's Letter Generator(Readers' Pick!)
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FREE Download link for The 'A' Levels movie!
FREE Mugger's Prayer!
iMug mini
iMug Black
iDunno ad
iDunno, Shui Bian, iThink So
New TI-84!
Little Mugger Flash Cards
Mugging for Dummies book

Previous Lectures
10 Signs you are mugging for your Basic Theory Test
I Love the World, REMUGGED!!
Phrase that popped into my head one fine day when ...
FINALLY. The meaning of life
Interesting photos
向大家拜个有点迟的年! =D
Curious Exam Blunders
Why Twilight CANNOT be set in Singapore.

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